
Provider and Responsible Party within the Meaninig of the Data Protection Act

aitiologic GmbH
Commercial Register: FN 606799 b

Managing Directors: Dr. Andreas E. Posch, Dr. Stephan A. Beisken


With this data protection declaration, users receive information about type, scope and purpose of collection and use of personal data by the responsible provider.

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of the European Union and the Austrian Datenschutzgesetz provide the legal framework for data protection.

Collection of General Information

With every access to this website, information is automatically collected by us, or the web space provider. This information, also known as server log files, is of a general nature and does not allow any conclusions regarding your personal details.

Among other things, the following may be recorded: name of website, file, date, data volume, web browser and web browser version, operating system, domain name of your internet provider, the so-called referrer URL (the page from which you accessed our website) and the IP address.

Without this data it would be technically impossible to deliver and display website contents. In this respect, the collection of data is mandatory. In addition, anonymous information is used for statistical purposes. It helps to optimize our services and technology. We also reserve the right to check log files if there is suspicion of any illegal use of our services.=

Third-party Services and Content Integration

Our offer includes at times use of content, services and contributions from other providers. These include for example maps, provided by Google Maps, videos from YouTube, as well as graphics and images from other websites. In order for this data to be displayed in the user's browser, transmission of the IP address is mandatory. The providers (hereinafter referred to as “third-party providers”) thus perceive the IP address of the respective user.

Although we undertake every effort to exclusively use only third-party providers that only need IP addresses in order to deliver content, we have no influence on possible storage of IP address. In this case, this process is used for statistical purposes, among other things. We will inform our users, if we become aware of the fact that IP addresses are stored.

Changes to our Data Privacy Policy

In order to ensure that our data protection declaration always complies with current legal requirements, we reserve the right to make changes at any time. This also applies, if the data protection declaration has to be amended due to new or revised services, for example adaptation of new services. The new data protection declaration will then take effect the next time our website is visited.

aitiologic GmbH is supported by the the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and the Austrian BMAW/BMK Seed - Deep Tech program coordinated by the Austrian Promotional Bank (aws).

aitiologic GmbH
Karl-Farkas-Gasse 18
1030 Vienna

Registered Office: Vienna, Austria (FN 606799 b)

© 2024 aitiologic GmbH